Leadership Courses (4 Topics)








Adaptive Leadership

Transformational Leadership for
the New Generational Workforce

Agility Leadership

Women Leadership: Crafting
Your Own Strengths and Skills



Adaptive Leadership

Key Takeaways

▶Understand adaptive leadership
▶Realise one’s communication tendency and make an effective transformation
▶Grasp the core elements of adaptive leadership: directing, coaching, supporting and delegating

Course Outline

▶What is adaptive leadership and how does it relate to us:
 - Understanding various leadership styles
 - What is your leadership challenge
▶The essential skills for directing / instructing “Coaching cycle” at workplace
▶Support – how to motivate people to accept failure
▶Ultimate delegation is all about empowerment – and the three level of empowerment
▶Create your subordinate development plan
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼7 Jan 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

▼20 May 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

▼11 Aug 2021 (10:00 – 11:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level





Transformational Leadership for the New Generational Workforce

Key Takeaways

▶Gain the ability to see the new generation of workforce in a new perspective
▶Understand how to transform oneself into a leader that inspires the young workers, and to invigorate their passion in their work
▶Devise creative ideas and next steps to implement in your workplace

Course Outline

▶Learn how the new generation of workforce thinks about the current work market
▶What are the leadership styles that engages them?
▶Introduction of transformational leadership:
 - Element 1: Idealized influence
 - Element 2: Intellectual simulation
 - Element 3: Individual consideration
 - Element 4: Inspirational motivation
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss and share stories with other participants
▶Create your own action steps to implement what you've learned

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼11 March 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

▼3 June 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level
(particularly those who have new generational subordinates)




Agility Leadership

Key Takeaways

▶Understand VUCA in today's world context
▶Realise the combination of old and new methods in building up skills
▶Embrace failure to build a strong innovation culture

Course Outline

▶The concept of Agility Leadership
 - What is Conventional leadership and necessary skill re-definition in an organisation
 - How to embrace change under VUCA
▶Fail Fast
 - The importance of giving your team empowerment
▶Fail Small
 - Project the calculated risk through logical thinking
▶Fail Forward
 - Self-awareness - an ultimate breakthrough of leadership for further development
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼13 April 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

▼29 July 2021 (10:00 – 11:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level




Women Leadership: Crafting Your Own Strengths and Skills

Key Takeaways

▶Understand the importance of Self-Awareness in identifying and owning your own strengths and skills
▶Develop a basic vision and brand of your leadership
▶Learn how to break barriers and create benefits and win-win solution

Course Outline

▶Recognize barriers to women’s leadership and how to handle them
▶Learn how to break barriers and create benefits and win-win solution
▶Define Social and Emotional Intelligence and understand its importance in workplace leadership
▶Develop the essential leadership skills for women
▶Examine steps and skills to good decision-making
▶Create your own Workplace Philosophy Statement
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼16 June 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

Winnie Lee Cantonese Managerial Level





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