Management Courses (5 Topics)










Performance Management and​ Appraisal
Management Foundation​
Effective Performance Coaching​
Managerial Judgement​-Case Study
The Art of Effective Delegation



Performance Management and Appraisal​

Key Takeaways

▶To reinforce the concept of standard logical thinking​
▶Share the common assessment tendency via case studies​
▶Aim to give fair performance judgement and people management

Course Outline

▶Understand the art of goal setting and performance appraisal
▶Tips of successful goal alignment​
▶Dig out the common assessment biases
▶How to balance motivation and ​development expectation
▶Effective feedback skills
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼26 Oct  2021  (10:00 – 11:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level who carries out Performance Appraisals​




Management Foundation

Key Takeaways

▶A full understanding of the role of a manager
▶Motivate attendee to strive further for managerial effectiveness
▶Building up a habit to review and grow​

Course Outline

▶Definition of management
▶What are the common mistakes of managers we find at workplaces
▶Importance of Communication Efficacy​
▶Introduction to the Management Cycle
▶Effective Management
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants​​

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼6 Jul 2021  (10:00 – 11:30)

▼7 Oct 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level




Effective Performance Coaching​

Key Takeaways

▶Break the old management mindset of 'working equals performing' and 'seeing is believing’
▶Understand the right mentality in developing staff. “Clear is Kind”​
▶Explore techniques that will motivate your employees when communicating on expected performance with them​

Course Outline

▶Explore the challenges of current management approaches​
▶Recap the essential role of a manager
▶Effective feedback skill 
▶The way to deal with emotional staff’s tricky reactions
▶Performance consultation – a logical way leading staff to understand how challenge the standard of excellence
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants​

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼9 Sep 2021    (14:00 – 15:30)

▼23 Nov 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level




Managerial Judgement - Case Study​

Key Takeaways

▶Handle problems vs Solve the managing problem
▶How to make judgements quickly in width and in depth​
▶Understand the guiding principles of judgment behind the different perspectives​

Course Outline

▶Why judgement is important for managers
▶Learn the importance of opening up yourself to explain your logic
▶Case study to solve workplace problems happening on a daily basis​
▶Interactive virtual group discussion to understand other perspectives

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼8 Dec 2021 (10:00 – 11:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Managerial Level





The Art of Effective Delegation

Key Takeaways​

▶Identify different ways of delegation tasks
▶Recognize common delegation pitfalls and how to avoid them​
▶Modify your own past delegation pattern to get the better outcome at your workplace

Course Outline

▶Define how delegation fits into your role and ​how it can make you more successful​
▶What is the difference between instruction and delegation
▶Why is it important in the workplace?​
▶Use an eight-step process for effective delegation​
▶Develop effective delegation strategies for your subordinates
▶Interactive virtual group discussion to understand other perspectives​

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼26 Aug 2021   (14:00 – 15:30)

Alvin Leung Cantonese Supervisory Level or Managerial Level





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