Well-Being Courses (3 Topics)








Developing Transformative Resilience
in Tough Times​
Turning adversity into opportunity
by managing Adversity Quotient
Emotional Intelligent Leadership:
Developing effective emotional climate in team



Developing Transformative Resilience in Tough Times

Key Takeaways

▶Increase your emotional self-awareness​
▶Learn techniques to reduce anxiety and distress when facing challenges
▶Build new habits and outlooks to develop mindfulness by living in the present, thus contribute to creating a positive environment

Course Outline

▶What is Transformative Resiliency ?
 -Why do we need it?​
 -How it can help our work life and our personal lives
▶How to develop your Resilience?
 -3R's Strategy – a 2-minute resilient test​​
 -Exploring your 'Ideal' vs the 'Reality', and how to bridge the gap under the current COVID-19 situation, using a process map​​
 -How to maximize your focus and performance especially under stress
▶How to develop a Resilience Plan?​
 -What is a Purposeful Pause​​
 -How to use Purposeful Pause to exercise mindfulness, take care of your emotional well-being and create a workplace full of positive energy​​
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants​

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼14 Dec 2021  (10:00 – 11:30)

Fonnie Wong Cantonese All Level




Turning adversity into opportunity by managing Adversity Quotient

Key Takeaways

▶Understand the elements of AQ
▶Learn practical skills to build strong AQ competence and copy with adversities for a better life
▶Develop inner power to improve positivity and proactive mindset​

Course Outline

▶INTRO of Adversity Quotient (AQ) 
 -What is difference between IQ, EQ & AQ ​
 -Why it is important to build this ability
▶Understand your AQ through “CORE” dimension
 -What is your AQ score? – AQ test
 -How’s CORE (Control, Ownership, Reach, Endurance) reflect AQ
▶Improving your ability to fight adversity:
 -Understand your stuck moment / grief cycle
 -Apply 3 effective strategies to overcome stuck and challenging moments
 -Practical tips for developing and executing “champion of change”, build new habits and take it into action, manage workplace challenge
▶Interactive virtual group sessions to discuss with other participants​

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼10 Nov 2021 (14:00 – 15:30)

Fonnie Wong Cantonese All Level




Emotional Intelligent Leadership: Developing effective emotional climate in team

Key Takeaways

▶Understand Emotional Intelligent leadership
▶Learn the importance of emotional influence (emotional climate) on teams
▶Develop positive emotional climate to improve team happiness, motivation and productivity

Course Outline

▶EI Leadership 
 -What is Emotional Intelligent leadership? 
 -Why is it an essential element for team management?
▶The importance of influencing your team by creating effective emotional climate​
 -What is emotional climate? 
 -What is your emotional climate index result (pre-assessment of emotional climate index )
▶Enriching your own positive emotional climate 
 -Practical tips on exploring emotional hot button and transforming autopilot pattern​
▶Interactive virtual group discussion to understand other perspectives

Date Trainer Language Who should Attend

▼15 Sep 2021  (14:00 – 15:30)

▼2  Nov 2021  (14:00 – 15:30)

Fonnie Wong Cantonese All Level




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