Why do companies need Intrapreneurs?
In view of the arrival of the fourth industrial revolution, many established companies are beginning to realize the importance to innovate in order to survive and thrive. According to the Deloitte Digital report titled “Five Insights into Intrapreneurship,” companies that encourage intrapreneurship take a people-centric approach and support their employees in generating, developing and scaling their ideas. Since an estimated 20 percent of employees demonstrate some degree of entrepreneurial activity, companies can harness this creativity and drive to significantly benefit their innovation potential1. We at YOU Hub sees Intrapreneurship to be one of the uprising corporate cultural trends to come.
Is your young talent a potential Intrapreneur?
✓ Obtaining unexpected energy boost by working on meaningful projects
✓ Having a burning desire to innovate but are sceptical to start it
✓ Keening to take up challenging projects but is limited by network, knowledge or skills
✓ Feeling a strong drive to create but the passion fading away every day
Who will be the potential YOU Hub Citizen?